Медиа и онлайн ресурсы

Образовательные упражнения, созданные для проекта: 
"Across cultures. Сравнивая культуру Великобритании и России". 

Образовательные упражнения, созданные для проекта:
"Вокруг света за 80 книг. Великобритания".

Проекты учеников 10 классов

Unusual kinds of transport

·       Project work by: Yuri Khomenko, 10A.
·       Purpose of the work: tell and discover some things in the area of unusual transport.

I think that nowadays people have forgotten that there are such interesting kinds of transport as: «waterbus», «monorails», «metrotram», «catamarans», «skateboard» and many other kinds of  unusual way to get from one place to another. And I wish that people would know about this ways.
Why I chose this theme:
I chose this theme because to my mind it is very extraordinary and it will be interesting to know something  more in this area. The main point of this work is to show why people come up with such ideas to create such kinds of transport.
 Main part:

This diagram shows the statistics of using transport. We see that only two percent of people use unusual means of transport and only in the form of tours.

Actuality and area of using:
Statistical chart  shows us that such kinds of transport as Segway, waterbus, monorails, hydrofoils and so on are not actual nowadays. There are very few models of unusual transport. That’s why only 2% of people use it all over the world. Most of the people use these types of transport in the USA and Europe. Some people go there to try it.

Unusual kind of transport from elena-chernyh
Проектная работа: World Heritage Site: Auschwitz Birkenau
Тема проекта: World Heritage Site: Oświęcim (Auschwitz Birkenau)
Всемирное Наследие ЮНЕСКО: Освенцим (Аушвиц).
As a subject of the project we consider the influence of a vivid example of Nazi ideology victims on political consciousness and modern society development.
Как предмет проекта мы рассматриваем влияние яркого примера жертв нацистской идеологии на политическое сознание и развитие современного общества.
The aim of our project is to convey the tragedy of Nazi immorality and genocide to the society.
Цель нашего проекта – донести до общества весь трагизм нацистской аморальности и геноцида.
Our true nationality is mankind”, once said Herbert Wells, a worldwide known English writer. “Human” and “humaneness” are two words that can’t exist separately. Humaneness is a high moral quality and it denotes tolerance and respect to all people around, any religion and nationality. It can not be ignored in no way even in reaching political aims. Flagrant violation of this global moral rule was presented to us by a vivid example of criminal activity in concentration camps.
Herbert George Wells (1866 – 1946) – Герберт Джордж Уэллс (1866 – 1946)
 «Наша истинная национальность – человек» - сказал однажды Герберт Уэллс, всемирно известный английский писатель. Человек и человечность – два понятия, неотделимые друг от друга. Человечность, как высокое моральное качество, подразумевает терпимость и толерантное отношение к окружающим, к любой вере и национальности. Его нельзя игнорировать ни в коем случае, даже при достижении политических целей. Грубейшее нарушение этого морального правила показал нам яркий пример преступной деятельности в концентрационных лагерях.

The concentration camp Oświęcim or Auschwitz-Birkenau is a complex of camps of death located near a small town Oświęcim. In 1939 by a decree of Adolf Hitler they went with the Third Reich’s territory in 60 kilometers to the west from Krakow. Activity in the camp was begun in 1940 and it was completely liberated by the soviet army on the 27th of January 1945.
Концентрационный лагерь Освенцим или Аушвиц-Биркенау – это комплекс лагерей смерти, расположенных около города Освенцим. В 1939 году указом Адольфа Гитлера они были присоединены к территории Третьего Рейха, в 60 километрах к западу от Кракова. Лагерь начал свою работу с 1940 года, а окончательно был освобождён 27 января 1945 года советскими войсками.
Auschwitz was included in the list of the World Heritage Sites in 1979 and nowadays is annually visited by millions of tourists. It consists of three camps: Auschwitz-1, Auschwitz-2 and Auschwitz-3. There is a museum now. It is dedicated to murders commited during the World War II and to investigation of the Holocaust under Nazi regime.
Освенцим был включён в список памятников Всемирного Наследия ЮНЕСКО в 1979 году, и ежегодно его посещает миллион туристов. Он состоит из трёх концентрационных лагерей (Аушвиц-1, Аушвиц-2 и Аушвиц-3), где теперь устроен музей, посвящённый убийствам во времена Второй мировой войны и исследованию Холокоста при режиме нацизма.
The 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz was on the 27th of January 2015 and the UNESCO organisation dedicated a number of events in the headquarters to International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
27 января 2015 года исполнилось 70 лет со дня освобождения концентрационного лагеря Аушвиц, и организация ЮНЕСКО организовала в своей штаб-квартире ряд мероприятий с целью отметить Международный день памяти жертв Холокоста.
Почему мы выбрали эту тему?
Young people play an important role in every state: some of them create and join nationalistic movements and become followers of Neo-Nazi ideology. They are greatly influenced by politics and the Mass Media. Unfortunately, youngmen focus on what they see and don’t understand. This is undoubtedly dangerous, and, first of all, we want them to think about the results of their wrong position.
Почему же мы выбрали именно эту тему для проекта? Молодежь играет в государстве большую роль, она создает националистические группировки и вступает в них, некоторые становятся сторонниками неонацистской  идеологии. Огромное воздействие на них оказывают действия политиков и СМИ. К сожалению, молодежь ориентируется на то, что видит и чего не понимает. Это действительно опасно, и мы хотим в первую очередь заставить задуматься молодое население над тем, к чему может привести их ошибочная позиция.
This topic is relevant because even nowadays, in the century of long-awaited peace and international tolerance, many people still become victims of political ambitions leading to ruthless ways of reaching their aims.
Эта тема актуальна, потому что даже сегодня, в век долгожданного мира и межнациональной толерантности, множество людей всё ещё становится жертвами политических амбиций, ведущих к бесчеловечным методам достижения своих целей.
An activity of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant can be used as an example. The members of the UN Organisation did research and announced the results: eventually about 6, 4 thousand of people were killed by Islamic hitmen and more than 12 thousand were seriously injuried. Only in July 2014 900 of Iraqi citizens became victims. In the north-east of Syria 90 Christians were stolen and 20 Egyptian Christians were executed. The citizens of Paris, France, faced the acts of terrorism not so long ago.
В качестве примера можно привести деятельность Исламского государства Ирака и Леванта. Члены Организации Объединённых Наций провели расследование и огласили результаты: в общей сложности около 6400 людей было убито исламскими боевиками и более 12 тысяч получили серьёзные ранения. Только в июле 2014 года 900 граждан Ирака стали жертвами. На северо-востоке Сирии было похищено 90 христиан, а 20 египетских христиан казнили. Не так давно жители Парижа столкнулись с актами терроризма в родной Франции.
We have made a lot of young people think about possible future of each nation if cruel ideologies are spread and called them not to share such point of view in no way by creating on-line publications on this topic on popular sites.
В результате мы позволили многим молодым людям задуматься о возможном будущем каждого народа, если жестокие идеологии будут распространяться, и призвали их ни в коем случае не разделять эту точку зрения посредством создания онлайн публикаций по этой теме на популярных сайтах.
At least 1, 4 million prisoners died at Auschwitz and around 90 percent of them were Jewish. This number is similar to the population of Ekaterinburg in Russia, Montevideo in Uruguay, Sophia in Bulgaria. It is one of the bloodiest pages of the world history that allows us to realise what the racial discrimination is.
По меньшей мере, 1 400 000 заключённых было умерщвлено в Аушвице, в том числе 90 процентов из них составили евреи. Эта цифра примерно равна численности населения Екатеринбурга в России, Монтевидео в Уругвае, Софии в Болгарии. Это одна из самых кровавых страниц в мировой истории, которая позволяет нам осознать, что собой представляет расовая дискриминация.
This year, 2015, we celebrate the 70th anniversary of victory in the war, which doesn’t have analogues in history on its scale. Many lives were sacrificed to exterminate the Nazi ideology, but the more shocking numbers still aren’t mentioned in the statistics. Auschwitz-Birkenau is a UNESCO site that makes everybody to think about many things. It is not just a concentration camp of death, but the place, while visiting which, everyone, inspite of his age, nationality and beliefs, feels as if a part of this isolated space and begins to desire to do all his best, so that the similar situation will never happen again.

В 2015 году мы отвечаем 70-летие победы в войне, которая по своему масштабу не имеет аналогов в истории. Много жизней было принесено в жертву для того, чтобы искоренить нацистскую идеологию, но ещё более страшные цифры до сих пор не учтены в статистике. Освенцим – это памятник Всемирного Наследия ЮНЕСКО, заставляющий задуматься о многом. Это не просто лагерь смерти, это место, посещая которое, каждый человек, независимо от возраста, национальности и убеждений, чувствует себя частью этого замкнутого мира и начинает хотеть сделать всё возможное для того, чтобы подобному больше никогда не было суждено повториться. 

MADAGASKAR. Madagascar is an island situated in the Indian Ocean, near the coast of Africa. This is a fourth-largest island in the world after Greenland, New Guinea and Borneo. Some people name Madagascar a continent, because it is surely the most remarkable island on entire planet. More than its 40% is covered with tropical forests where lives many endemical animals. Millions years ago the island was a part of Africa, which belonged to an ancient continent Gondwana and 80 million years ago Madagascar separated from it and became the first island on the Earth. People reached the island only 2 thousand years ago, so Madagascar totally belonged to animals for a long time. As the island was a closed ecosystem his inhabitants were changing regardless of their continental relatives. Here we took some Madagascar animals, made a little research in their origin and compared them with their continental relatives. Lemurs are the main symbols of the island, because they live only there. They pertain to to Strepsirrhini – the most primitive and ancient suborder of primates, though they are similar to cats in many aspects. Just like cats hey have wet noses which help them to smell better than other primates. They also have differences in their front paws which look less like human’s arms than other primates’ limbs. Indris and ring-tailed lemurs are typical representatives of Lemuriformes, but there is one truly extraordinary primate- aye-aye, the world’s largest nocturnal animal. It has such a strange appearance that it was supposed to be a rodent, but later scientists decided that it’s a primate. The most noticeable part of it is it’s long and slim fingers, especially the middle ones. Aye-aye knocks on bark of the trees to find maggots and bugs. Lemureformes are the first evolutionary branch of early primates. All lemurs have the one ancestor whose remains were found in Europe and North America. The fact that the animals reached Madagascar by sea explains little sizes of all its animals. The biggest predator on the island is fossa and its length is only about 60-80 centimeters. Not long ago fossaswere considered to be felids, though they belong to Viverra specie and their closest relatives are mongooses Viverras were the first mammal predators. 20 million years ago they crossed the Mozambique strait and occupied Madagascar. Other viverras like civets and genets live in Africa and southern Europe. Although there are a lot of birds on the island, many of them can be found in other countries because of their ability to cover long distances. But some birds partly lost it, and became nearly unable to fly and stayed on the Madagascar forever- for example couas- they became bigger and now they spend more time on the ground, seeking after their prey. Some of them are really gigantic comparing to cuckoos from other places. Madagascar is a really unique island where one can meet direct descendants of varied ancient animals. It is impossible to find another place like that. Unfortunately many Madagascan animals are facing extinction. People should stop hunting them in order to save this treasure trove of species.

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